Alexey's Log
Thursday, January 04, 2007
1/4/2007: getting ready for frame straightening
Just a quick note to keep the blog going. I finally got off my ass the other day and performed some string measurements to see if I could ascertain the straightness or crookedness, as the case may be, of the chassis. I followed the first sequence of steps from this excellent article. The results so far seem to point in the direction of the swingarm being bent by a fair amount. I'm going to go over the same steps and make sure I get something like what I got the first time and then do the second half of the test to see if the wheels are not in the same plane vertically. I'm going to do this tomorrow and on Saturday, I'm taking the bike to GMD Computrack in Boston to get the same and other measurements done with fancy lasers and possibly chassis brought back to true. I'm very curious to see how close my measurements will be to theirs. If they are close enough, I'll do a detailed pictorial, similar to the one I did for the fork seals DIY article.
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I'd like to thank:

Who says artists don't know anything about tire warmers? Visit my crew chief Alexandra Deitz-Zinger's Art page.

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